Monday, February 26, 2018

SWIFT FLY FISHING - Mr. Bourne and the Starsky Epic 580

When Swift Fly Fishing released the Starsky limited edition Epic 686 fly rods last year, I was immediately struck by how eye catching the entire build scheme was from the rich deep brown blank to the throwback two-tone reel seat to the masterful thread work.  This was certainly a masterpiece from the mind of Trevor Bourne, the in-house Epic fly rod artist. 

Since I already have a much used three-piece and a more recently built four-piece Epic 686 fly rods in my collection, with fingers crossed I sent a note to Carl and Trevor asking if they'd consider giving the Starsky treatment on an Epic 580 blank instead.  Fortunately they both obliged. 

When the project was ready to go, they sent along a series of shop photos and a few video snippets that I was able to piece together for the video below.

Trevor wrote...  "It was after midnight, I dunked my last cube of bread into the warm cheese and poured my forth or fifth Harvey Wallbanger when my mind turned to fly rods.  Much twiddling of my thick, luscious mustache lead me to the idea of the "Starsky" fly rod.  It would be built on our Mocha fiberglass blank, a Lemke two-tone downlocker, variegated thread the colour of Southern Comfort. Chrome guides and a cigar grip of the finest Portuguese cork would finish it off nicely I think.

I woke the next morning, put on my best turtleneck sweater and headed to the workshop..."

Want your own something Epic?  Visit the Swift Fly Fishing website for more information and let Mr. Bourne make your dreams come true.

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