Tuesday, February 11, 2020

GRAYWOLF RODS - Haldin RFT 57 S-Glass Build

If you rewound the tape to when the contemporary fiberglass fly rod push began some dozen or so years ago, most fly rod companies and custom fly rod builders entered the space with the usual offerings.  They checked the boxes with a 7' three weight, 7'6" four weight and a 8' five weight.  Over the years, we've seen the small shop builders and blank makers in particular differentiate themselves with some more unusual offerings.  I like that.  A lot.

I've been keeping an eye on Haldin Fly Rods but somehow missed their 7' five weight blank until Shane Gray of Graywolf Rods offered this build on the Finished Rods page.  A short five weight is a throwback to vintage days and just perfect for small to medium waters, especially with some tree cover, where you have high chances of mixing it up with a fish of decent size.

Someone needs to snatch this one up so it'll stop teasing me...

Check out the Graywolf Rods website for more information on this and a few other finished fly rods and be sure to follow along with the latest shop news on Facebook and Instagram.

Also, you should be tracking on both RFT Gear (Facebook/Instagram) and Haldin Fly Rods (Facebook/Instagram) as they are both popping up on my social feeds more and more frequently with interesting additions.  Hopefully I'll have some experience with a couple of the Haldin Fly Rods soon.

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