Friday, March 27, 2020

HOWLER & HELMS - The Watering Holes Collection

The short of it is that collaborations often times create community and in that vein, Howler Brothers and Helms Workshop have launched their newest offering, the Watering Holes Collection, which a portion of the proceeds will support two worthy Austin causes to benefit those hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.

The Watering Holes collection includes shirts, jacket, shorts, caps and more.  

Lifted from the Howler Brothers Blog...  "Truth told, we didn’t even plan to put this collection out for a few months. All the goods were just sitting comfortably in our warehouse ready to roll as soon as summer hit full swing. But, then along came everyone’s new nemesis, COVID-19.   Like you all, we can’t believe the impact this virus has had and we are constantly wondering what happened to the normalcy we were enjoying just a few weeks ago.  Cancelled. Postponed. Closed. Those are the words of the day.

These cancellations have wreaked havoc on all of us but the bars, restaurants, musicians, servers and bartenders around the country have taken one of the biggest hits. In Austin, the cancellation of our annual city-defining event, South by Southwest, has compounded the problem. Income and business that is an annual expectation vanished overnight. 

When something like this happens, we try and look outside of ourselves and find a way to give back. We quickly identified the Stand with Austin Fund and the Austin Relief Fund at Southern Smoke as folks who were doing good work benefitting our local community. Our first instinct was to do a simple T-shirt to benefit the cause as we did in the past with our Hurricane Harvey relief effort. But, then the lightbulb went off. We already had the PERFECT thing in the pipeline to use in the relief effort - our Howler x Helms Workshop Watering Holes Collection. Of course, Christian and the crew over at Helms Workshop fully agreed.  

A significant percentage of the proceeds from the sales of the collection will benefit two great causes: the Stand with Austin Fund at the Austin Community Foundation and the Austin Relief Fund at the Southern Smoke Foundation. Please take time to click the links and learn about what they have going on for those in need right now. We sincerely wish we could do something big enough to benefit service industry and creatives throughout the country but, at the end of the day, we thought it was best to focus our efforts at home. We absolutely encourage you all to support your own community in whatever way you can.

Our best to everyone during these times. Our company ethos is built on community, so we are missing it badly. But, we have faith in what we will learn and how we will all emerge from this. In the meantime, check out this collection. It’s cool and you’ll want some in your closet when your favorite watering hole reopens."

Visit the Howler Brothers website to check out the Watering Holes Collection and support Austin with a purchase.  Remember to support your local favorite spots as well those these strange times.

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