Tuesday, March 17, 2020

PAUL PUCKETT - The Corona Virus Chronicles - No. 1

We are all "social distancing" in different ways and quite a few artists that I follow are using this time to dive deep into the studio.  Paul Puckett is putting a positive face on things and this morning kicked off "The Corona Virus Chronicles" with daily dispatches that he'll post on his social media.  I plan on copying and pasting them over here on T.F.M. as well and hope that you enjoy them as much as I do.

Click on the photograph to view in full resolution.

Paul wrote...  "The Corona Virus Chronicles have begun.  I plan on doing a lot of painting and drawing over the next few weeks and I’ll share as I go.  I want to bring a lighter side to all of this so please don’t take it as me forgetting the seriousness to what’s going on.  Living still has to happen, hopefully it’s still "Good Clean Livin’"."

Jump over to the Sporting Art of Paul Puckett website to see his latest works and follow along on Instagram to see what he's up to to stay busy with at the studio. 

The Flood Tide Co. shop might be closed but the crew is kicking their social media into overdrive with some fun contests and giveaways that start today.  Instagram is a good place to keep up with these goings-on.


Anonymous said...

Keep the positive info flowing. It's needed everywhere.

Cameron Mortenson said...