Thursday, March 5, 2020

This Week in #glassisnotdead

It's been quite a while since I've put up a "This Week in #glassisnotdead" post since Instagram made it kinda tough to save images but while scrolling through the app this morning, I noticed that we're at the doorstep to 60,000 (!!!) images posted with the #glassisnotdead hashtag.  It's absolutely amazing to see this and it's been a neat way to follow along on so many different experiences with fiberglass fly rods (and spinning rods too) over the years.  All, thanks for playing along.

Here's a few screen grabs, which I know that the resolution isn't super stellar, but you can circle back and follow these folks if you like.



















Find a whole lot of like minded people by searching the #glassisnotdead hashtag on Instagram.

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