Wednesday, May 20, 2020

SWIFT FLY FISHING - Free Custom Fly Rod Build Book

There is a lot of interest in building a fly rod, more so now than ever that everyone is under some sort of quarantine at the house, and even if you don't decide to go with a Swift Fly Fishing blank, the Custom Fly Rod Build Book is a great resource in walking you through the entire process bare blank to finished fly rod. 

Swift Fly Fishing has dropped the paywall and this book is now available as a free digital download.

Have you been thinking about Swift Fly Fishing Studio Built, Ready to Wrap Fly Rod Kit or Blank?  Please know that I have a affiliate relationship with Swift Fly Fishing and appreciate when you jump through the links provided in these posts.  I end up with a few coins in the T.F.M. piggy bank with your purchase and I am always happy to send along a T.F.M. swag package as a thank you.

Of course, if you have any questions or interested in my opinions on the Epic offerings, I'm always happy to answer with an email at

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