Thursday, June 8, 2023


Jordan Ross of JP Ross Fly Rods & Company is always tinkering in the shop with new ideas and if a recent text message exchange is true, he sometimes relies on the help of "magical gnomes from the Adirondack Mountains".  That may have been whiskey cup fueled or you know, maybe not...

What is absolutely true is that JP has a new S-Glass fly rod to share with "The TOAD" which is a transformer of sorts and gives anglers options in what they are needing out of an 8' 4/5 weight glass rod.

Read on below...

JP wrote...  "The TOAD is the newest fly rod that JP Ross & Company has developed and is a variation off of the 8 foot 5-weight S-Glass we created in 2021.  We have modified the butt section of this rod to make it more stiff and stronger for applications that need a little more back bone in the butt.  While doing so we kept the ferrule design the same; that means the TOAD butt section is interchangeable with the normal S-Glass 8 foot 5-weight 4-piece.  

We are the only fly rod company offering convertible sections.  You can choose the 8 foot 4-5 weight TOAD  itself, or  consider also adding another 4th butt section that is the original 8 foot 5-weight S-Glass. 

Here is how we explain it.  The TOAD can handle a 4 or a 5-weight fly line.  It’s up to you which action  you like best or for the application.  This concept is not new in fly rod design, many fly rods can handle two line weights.  What is different with ours is that we purposefully did this so that one rod could fit many applications.  The TOAD is great with short casts and also for bombing long casts.  This  is unusual for a fly rod to be able to do both so well.  Also the TOAD butt section is re-enforced to give extra power when you really put a deep bend into the rod fighting a fish or making a really deep cast."

"An explanation of different actions based on changing line weights.

TOAD 8 foot with 4 weight line.  Action: Fast Glass, fast tip recovery speed.  Good short, but better medium to long casts.

TOAD 8  foot with 5 weight line.  Action: Medium action with lots of power in the butt section, reminiscent of some carbon or graphite type feel but still feels "glassy."  Good for short to long casts.

This fly rod is available with or without a fighting butt, and has options for different types of grips you may choose.  See our component page for explanations of grips.

We also offer a custom version, which will be configured based on a collaboration between yourself and JP.  The possibilities are endless.

This rod comes standard with a hand made rod bag and aluminum rod case.

If you have an idea on a rod and reel combo please use discount code: combo10 when ordering a rod & reel and please contact us with questions and whatever else we can do for you.

Sincerely,  JP"

Visit the JP Ross Fly Rod & Company website to learn more about The TOAD and send an email if you have any questions.  JP really does enjoy connecting with customers to discuss what they are looking for in their next custom fly rod build so don't feel weird about reaching out.

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