Sunday, December 24, 2023

Home Again in Time for Christmas

Things more or less slowed to a halt around here recently (aside from a few social media posts) as work was an overwhelming blur for the team that I work with at the police department as we were wrapping up our Toys for Tots campaign, Christmas families deliveries, holiday events, parades and festivals, and so much more.  I'm really fortunate to work with a department that is so community focused and with it comes a lot of places for us to be late fall through the holidays. 

I had just enough time to pack a duffel bag and backpack before leaving on a week long vacation with my family to places with palm trees, water in ten different shades of blue, and fruity drinks.  It was a fun week of unwinding and we are home now just in time to enjoy Christmas together. 

I'll be getting caught up on all things T.F.M. related and am also starting to look forward to 2024 too.

If there are some things that you'd like to see around here in the coming year, let me know with an email.

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