Sunday, May 19, 2024


Longtime readers will remember the #yearofthebluegill and in all honesty, every spring these fish deserve a highlight.  Artist Chandler Hiatt's provoking Reeling Thoughts - Longear Sunfish painting popped up on my Instagram feed the other day and I knew it needed a share here.

Chandler wrote...  "It’s uncanny how almost everyone’s first fish they catch when fly fishing is a type of sunfish. I wanted to capture both the beauty and the thrill of adventure when catching these feisty fish on a trip with your friends.

By taking a child’s imaginative approach of thinking everything has something or someone behind the scenes pulling the strings, I decided to include a fun personality manning the fish. I ended up painting my long time fly fishing buddy Jacob as the pilot. He would totally jump at the chance to drive a sunfish."


See more of Chandler Hiatt's work on his website and follow along with the latest studio news and latest works on Instagram

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