Friday, June 14, 2024

C. BARCLAY FLY ROD CO. - Chris's May Update Shared in June

Earlier this week I was going through old text messages and came across one from a few weeks back from Chris Barclay of C. Barclay Fly Rod Co. with a link to his "May Updates!" blog post.  I had meant to share it right after but it got lost in the shuffle of life.  Sorry, Chris...

It's still well worth a read now as Chris covers quite a lot of information, shows off some of his latest work, hints at new designs and ideas, taking orders again, and more.

Take a moment to visit the C. Barclay Fly Rod Co. website and follow along with the latest shop news on Facebook and Instagram.  And if you're a real Barclay nerd, there's a Facebook group, too.

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