Monday, February 22, 2010

Dave's Funky Foam Frogs!

Dave Zielinski is a blogger, wooden drift boat builder, artist, fly tier, and all around fly fishing junkie.

Recently Dave sent along a few frogs that he had tied using a foam cutter from River Road Creations. He even sent along a couple pink ones for my daughter which she got really excited about.

This morning I ordered up my own foam STP Frog cutter and a few sheets of Frog Foam too. Time to start thinking about spring.

Thanks for the flies Dave. I can't wait to give them a whirl once it warms up.

Check out Dave's blog, The Happy Trout Chronicles.


Ian Bonnema said...

Nice post Cameron, very timely indeed as I am also starting to think about tying some warm water patterns, my father in law saw some bass feeding on the surface in his pond this weekend...

Cameron Mortenson said...

Ian...I can punch you out a few bodies if you want once my cutter arrives. I don't mind. I've got a ton of foam stacked up in my tying bin.