Saturday, April 16, 2022

Spring Break Road Trip Redux

Things kinda slowed down around here for the last week or so as we've been on a spring break road trip that took us on a huge loop through California.  2,500 miles.  Several national parks.  The Pacific Coast Highway.  Time with family.  And some golf mixed in with Finn to break things up a bit. 

This trip was planned for two years ago but the pandemic kinda got in the way.  That of course is an understatement and certainly a lot has changed since then.  We're different people than before and the ability to travel again as a family isn't lost on us at all.  I think it means that much more to us now.        

We're flying home later today and a little weary.  We're ready for our own beds tonight but the things that we saw and did will be memories that we'll have forever.  It's good to be making memories again.
Over the next few posts, I'll break down our week and share a few photographs.  It's been quite a trip.

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