Friday, March 8, 2024

SANDY'S CUSTOM FLY RODS - A Special Birthday Gift

Sandy Nelson of Sandy's Custom Fly Rods and I have been trading messages and realized that we both have a significant birthday this year in turning fifty.  Sandy's birthday is a few months before mine but we've both been thinking of ways of "treating ourselves" to a few fine things this year. 

This Tom Morgan Rodsmiths 8' 5-weight is a thing of beauty.

Sandy wrote...  "A special build for my significant birthday this spring.  A Tom Morgan Rodsmiths 8’ 5-weight two-piece glass with Bellinger downlocking nickel silver hardware and Amboyna reel seat.  I used Marcia’s best cork, Struble lava agate stripping guide, smoked Snake Guides and wrapped this fly rod in Kimono 316 Lego Brick silk.

I kept it clean and classy in the TMR style but with a dollop of me in there, too.  Have to say I’m blown away by how smooth and silky it is to cast.  Roll on the glorious 15th.  Happy Birthday to me."

See more of Sandy's work here and follow along with the latest shop news on Instagram.

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