Tuesday, September 20, 2011

James Deloria's "TraverTried'nTrude"

When walking out of James Deloria's house to head off to a stretch of brook trout water this past summer while on my angling sabbatical to parts all over Michigan, he placed a couple flies that he had tied in my hands and assured me that they would do excellent where we were going. 

What I didn't catch during our short conversation was that James had designed years ago and dubbed it the "TraverTied'nTrude" in honor of John Voelker, a.k.a. Robert Traver, and his much documented brook trout addiction.

Several have emailed and asked for the recipe and James graciously provided the original recipe for this pattern.

Hook - Mustad 94842 (Or Equivalent) - Sizes 12-16
Thread - Red - Gel Spun 70
Tail - Golden Pheasant Tippets
Butt - 1.5-2mm Red Petite "VeryVelvet"  Vernielle
Rib - Peacock Herl - Palmer Hackled
Body - Lime Green Petite "VeryVelvet" Vernielle 
Legs - Any Small To Medium Rubber Variegated  
Wing - White Calf Tail
Hackle - Olive saddle - Wound/Trimmed Flat Underside

I used the "TraverTried'nTrude" all that afternoon and I can agree that brook trout certainly take note.

James...thanks again for the flies.


james deloria said...

Great little write up Cam. Thanks. I feel "famous". Well notorious anyway!

chris said...

Cam, your the best! I've been waiting for this!


Cameron Mortenson said...

Jame...if you end up with Deloria groupies please let me know. HA...

Chris...glad I could come through for you.

Boreal Barney said...

I can not source the petite "very velvet" Vernielle, any suggestions for a place to buy or suggestions on a substitute?
I enjoy your blog.